1119 (Shrewsbury) Squadron ATC
Success Through Dedicaton

General Information

Parade Nights

Monday evening: 1900-2130 hours Wednesday evening: 1900-2130 hours We ask that the cadets arrive at 1850. Final parade is held at 2115. The cadets should be at the main gate by 2130.


At present the cost per cadet is �10 per month. We ask that this be paid via a standing order.

Weekend activities and camps may have an additional charge. This is to cover the cost of the activity, and wherever possible we try to keep the price as low as we can to allow all cadets to take part.

If you have any issues over the cost of activities please contact us.


The ATC is a voluntary organisation, and we do ask that cadets attend both parades nights during the week but appreciate that this is not always possible. Cadets are asked to inform us in advance if they will be unable to attend, however if there are any problems with attending please let us know and we'll do what we can to help.

We do ask that if a cadet decides to leave that we are informed and that any uniform or equipment is returned.


We endeavour to give cadets all the details of upcoming events with as much notice as possible. This will include dates, timings, costs and where possible an estimated time when the cadets will arrive back at Copthorne barracks.

We appreciate that this is not always passed on to parents, so the squadron calendar will contain details of upcoming events.

Jargon Buster

Like all things military the Corps is full of jargon, acronyms and abbreviations which can be difficult to understand. It would be impossible to list them all, but here we have tried to list the main ones to help you: