1119 (Shrewsbury) Squadron ATC
Success Through Dedicaton
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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Flt Sgt Sharp

Being an air cadet opens up a world of opportunities to you and with 1119 (Shrewsbury) squadron you can also take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. This is a worthwhile award to achieve as it can help you with college and job applications, Gold can even earn you UCAS points. More than just being highly valued the DofE awards are fun and help you to make the most out of being a cadet.

The majority of the activities that you do as an air cadet count towards either your Sport, Skill or Physical elements of the Award, making it simple to complete these sections if you take part in the full range of cadet activities. Being a member of the Air Training Corps allows for some more unusual activities to make up your Award, as even flying can count towards it! However, these are not the only elements that make up DofE.

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

There is, of course, the expeditions. These offer a challenge, but one that you will thoroughly enjoy and remember for some time. The expeditions are of varied lengths depending on what Award you are currently working towards, but all involve at least one night of camping and all call upon navigation skills. Your navigating will become more advanced as you progress through the Awards, and by the time you reach Gold you should feel fully confident with a map and compass. The expeditions are mostly carried out on foot, but there are other options such as canoeing and horse riding that can be pursued.

You will work as a member of a team during your expedition, this offers a great opportunity to make closer friends with your fellow cadets. DofE also teaches you practical skills like first aid, camp craft and betters your navigating skills. The expeditions defiantly help to foster team building, as well as an adventurous spirit.

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Ultimately you can complete your Gold Award, which is a real achievement for anyone. Upon completing your Gold you will be invited down to London to receive your Award from HRH Duke of Edinburgh himself.

As a member of 1119 (Shrewsbury) Squadron I have completed my Bronze award and am some way through my Silver. The Squadron really supports you through the Award and helps to ensure your success, whether this be through the lending of kit, expert advice or organising expeditions. Air cadets is one of the most hassle free DofE experiences you will encounter, while still offering a different type of challenge. The Award is accessible to everyone, regardless of what previous walking or camping experience you may have, as our staff and instructors are willing to teach and help every step of the way.